The Commonwealth of Dominica is often confused with the Spanish speaking country Dominican Republic which shares its boundaries with Haiti and is located in the Greater Antilles, in addition to this there is a misconception when it comes to finding Dominica zip code, while the Dominica Zip code 00109-8000 ensures mail isn’t miss-sent to the Dominican republic, Dominica zip code is often confuse with Dominica Postal code which is quite different altogether.
I lived in Dominica in 1960 just for nine months and was the most enjoyable time I can remember, People were very nice and helpful. I would like to know of the Julian family. who lived in Roseau . One of the sons was Bernard, one daughter was Vern, on Marlborough Street. Same street as the Police Head Quarters. I rented from that family at that time. Charles Dolcey
Wow Charles that’s a long time. you need to come back and visit
just came across your last years comment and realized I saw no real answers to your question, Julian is still alive and has continued the family jewelry business in the same house that you might have known.
I was their neighbor in 1975. You may take a stay in DA. We at the HummingBird Inn in Dominica can make it possible with special rates for a weekly stay and also take a joy in reuniting friends, and family.
Great Marlborough st. I lived there for a few
What the post code number in Roseau
So if I’m mailing to Dominica, what do I use? 00109 to 8000? Can u imagine how confusing that can be. How many digits are found in this range?
I this case you need to use the postal code which is 00152
Ullo: You may have misunderstood the information. The ZIP Code given for Domica is 00109-8000. This meets the standard (ZIP + 4) requirements of the code.
I’m sending a barrel of clothes to a relative of my husband and I needed to know if there’s a area code to put on the barrel.
Greetings Mr. Charles Dolcey
I realize that this comment was posted 5 yrs ago. I just came across it. Mr. Bernard (alive and well) is my nephew’s granddad. It’s a small world after all.
Happy holidays